Badminton HuráLiga in Ústí nad Labem - Doubles • Hurá

Badminton HuráLiga in Ústí nad Labem - Doubles

Latest results

First phase leaderboard preview

Matches Points
1. Panna a Netvor 2 7
2. Mája a Břeťa 2 7
3. Zuzka a Vašek 2 5
4. Batman a Wonder-women 2 5
5. Štěpánka a Ondra 2 4
6. K&A 1 4
7. 2levandule 1 4
8. JaKo team 2 0
9. Lukáš - Jana 1 0
10. CuongNguyen >< NgocDiep 1 0
11. Iveta a Richard 1 0


What is the prize

Trophy for the champion + medals for the 2nd and 3rd place