Leaderboard • Badminton HuráLiga in Hradec Králové - Advanced / Intermediate • HuráLiga.cz

Badminton HuráLiga in Hradec Králové - Advanced / Intermediate


Matches Points Opponent strength sets Points
Playoffs A
13.Petr S.
27 144 27:5 653:454 (199)
2. +2
Ondřej M.
25 131 25:3 577:427 (150)
3. -1
15.Jan S.
24 144 24:8 628:460 (168)
4. +5
109.Andrii Z.
20 133 20:12 599:469 (130)
5. +6
Vladimír B.
18 98 18:14 460:443 (17)
6. -3
100.Martin E.
17 138 17:15 553:533 (20)
7. -2
116.Martin H.
17 135 17:15 561:593 (-32)
8. -2
Zdeněk H.
16 119 16:16 538:560 (-22)
Playoffs B
9. -1
193.Jan S.
15 134 15:17 536:578 (-42)
10. -3
230.Josef P.
15 128 15:17 578:592 (-14)
11. +5
Martin S.
15 99 15:17 462:530 (-68)
12. -2
237.Ludek S.
14 117 14:18 561:570 (-9)
422.Tomáš B.
12 105 12:20 547:602 (-55)
14. +1
Lukáš Ž.
12 97 12:20 546:594 (-48)
15. +2
Jan J.
12 66 12:12 348:362 (-14)
16. -4
Rudy V.
12 36 12:0 252:121 (131)
17. -3
349.Tomáš W.
11 132 11:21 517:636 (-119)
18. +1
384.Vladimír H.
8 119 8:24 483:638 (-155)
19. -1
18.Mateusz K.
8 37 8:0 168:93 (75)
20. +1
Pavel S.
5 67 5:23 302:502 (-200)
21. -1
474.Dmytro K.
5 58 5:15 290:402 (-112)
22. +4
Michael G.
0 0 0 0:0 0:0 (0)
23. +1
25.Lucia Č.
0 0 0 0:0 0:0 (0)
24. +3
Michal H.
0 0 0 0:0 0:0 (0)

The most important criterion for leaderboard ranking is number of points won. It is the followed by opponent strength, which is the sum of all of the points scored by the opponents you have played so far.