Sportega Badminton HuráLiga in Ústí nad Labem - Doubles - Intermediate / Advanced • Hurá

Sportega Badminton HuráLiga in Ústí nad Labem - Doubles - Intermediate / Advanced

Latest results

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First phase leaderboard preview

Matches Points
1. Martin&Pavla 7 25
2. Čtyřmetráci 8 21
3. Jirka+Tom 7 20
4. Zuzka a Vašek 7 16
5. Jája a Břeťa 7 14
6. Andělové M+V 7 13
7. Štěpánka a Ondra 6 11
8. Psychopati 7 10
9. Pejřaci 4 5
10. BEDMENTI 8 1


What is the prize

Trophy for the champion + medals for the 2nd and 3rd place