League history • Sportega Tennis HuráLiga in Ostrava - Doubles • HuráLiga.cz

Sportega Tennis HuráLiga in Ostrava - Doubles

A new is starting: 24.06.2024

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Champions of the highest level

Finished seasons


  • 9 players
  • 10.04.2023


  • 15 players
  • 18.10.2021

League history chart

  1 2 Participation Average
1. Grisza 1. 1 (50 %) 1
2. Bav&Val 1. 1 (50 %) 1
3. Volley Výškovice 2. 1 (50 %) 2
4. LA-PA 2. 1 (50 %) 2
5. Křeni 3. 1 (50 %) 3
6. Mom & Son 3. 1 (50 %) 3
7. Čutálisti 4. 1 (50 %) 4
8. Murini 5. 1 (50 %) 5
9. Čvachta s Matlou 5. 1 (50 %) 5
10. Filantrop fifip 6. 1 (50 %) 6
11. CHEZA-KAKI 6. 1 (50 %) 6
12. Vítězové grandslamu 9. 4. 2 (100 %) 6.5
13. Aleje stars 7. 1 (50 %) 7
14. Hrobníci 7. 1 (50 %) 7
15. Nandal Jeger 8. 1 (50 %) 8
16. Jaja&Pája 10. 1 (50 %) 10
17. LoboToMír 11. 1 (50 %) 11

You must have played 50% of all seasons or at least 4 of the last 8 to be included in the 'History' table. If you play 5 or more seasons, your worst position will be deleted.